Sunday 4 July 2010

Internet Friends

I have already written something about the positive sides of the Internet here, but  I would like to add another aspect:   there is more to Internet contacts than "not being only bad." Let me explain:

- You can keep in contact more easily. I know a lot of families that are spread all over the globe and thanks to email, IM and video chat they can exchange information quickly and keep in touch. 200 years ago, when a member of the family emigrated to Australia, it meant that a letter travelled about half a year ... nowadays, an email reaches its destination in half an instant.

 - You can really get to know someone . The anonymity of the Internet can create an atmosphere where very personal talks are possible that would not happen in real life. If (big IF!!)  both partners are honest with each other (of course, with due caution), we come to the next point:

- You can make  good friends on the Internet. Long chats, exchanging photos and information and seeing each other in a video chat, all this can lead to a point where you get really close.  I have talked to hundreds of people and gotten to know a bit about their lives, but some of them have become  good friends. Some I have already met here in Europe - others I still have to meet.  Some have become very important for my life and I owe them a lot (for example the courage to start this blog - xie xie, Sam)  ...  and all this has made me curious as to where life will still lead me.

So next Friday I am travelling to Mexico for four weeks to see a new country, learn more Spanish and meet two more of my Internet friends ... one of them a young woman who I have known since she was a teenager. I am happy about how the Internet has opened the door to the world for me  - so that we all can become friends and be united in peace.

(photo: "Friends" by Guillermo Macias)

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