5th year English. Before the lesson has officially started:
"Mrs K., the page of my exercise book is full, may I use the next one?"
"Mrs K., Max always breathes loudly in my direction."
"Mrs K., I cannot find my pencil case."
"Mrs K., err, hmm, what did I want to say, oh yes, I remember, hmm, you see, my dog......"
"Oh, nice picture on your note book, Mrs K."
" Mrs K., Max is eating !!!!!!!"
" Mrs K., do we have to learn the vocabulary on page 170 ?" -
"Yes, page 170."
"Only 170?" -
"Only 170!!"
"And page 171?"
"Mrs K., Max has taken my pen !!!"
"Mrs K., hmm, err, well, my dohog has ....."
"Mrs K., may I use a pencil for writing?"
"Yes, of course."
Another pupil: "Ahhh, I have forgotten my pencil!! What am I supposed to do now?"
"Take a pen."
Third pupil: "How about a pencil?"
"Mrs K., listen ! My dog has , hmm. err. eaten. hmm...."
"What is our next lesson?"
"Mrs K., what is our maths homework ?"
*Mrs K., why are you lying on the floor and crying ???"
I love my job !!
(Picture: a poster on friendship (Freundschaft) made by students, 2009
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