Friday 21 December 2012

Apocalypse ... when ?

Today is the day ... the one that media and party goers all over the world have been waiting for: the end of the world. According to some Maya calendar ... supposedly ... we don't believe, of course .... but it is so wonderfully spooky.

I have heard people making jokes - and I have seen wonderful satires about it on the Internet. On the other hand  I  read about those who have been preparing themselves, their homes and their families for months. And  there are those, who know that only God knows the time, so why worry now?

Actually, the end of the world happens every day, is happening right now. Every day somebody's world can collapse from one minute to the other. A phone rings to tell you that your father is in hospital and dying. The routine check-up with your doctor ends up in a serious talk about your fatal illness. A car accident finishes your dream of becoming a dancer. A child dies.

Today I am thinking particularly about the families and students of Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut, for whom the world and life will never be the same again. Twenty children and six adult staff members died. Twenty-five families for whom the world has already ended.

My thoughts and prayers are with them.

It is no use to expect the Apocalypse - we are never prepared. We can only live our lives as well as we can NOW. Live, love, forgive. Give kindness. Enjoy what we can enjoy. Hold the hand of someone who needs it. Be grateful for what we have. But also cry, mourn, feel pain and pray. Accept when something is given to us.

Live - and  do our little bit  that others can live, too.

Maybe this way we can save the world.

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