I looked at the furry ball on my most expensive silk cushion and thought that I could learn a lot from my cat. For example she always does what she wants, she never does what others expect from her. When we get visitors, she does not play the cute little friendly kitty, but throws a cold look at the intruder and then disappears until the strange person has left. Sometimes she grants the great privilege of her presence and people feel flattered when she comes. Nobody takes her for granted, not even I, her main food giver, can do that.
Her pride and elegance in every situation is something I would love to have as well. She knows very well that she is the most beautiful creature on earth. Never does she stand in front of the mirror scrutinizing her face for wrinkles or her aging body for fat. In fact, she ignores mirrors. Last year she reacted to the winter by extensively cleaning her fur which had the effect that she lost almost all her hair on her hind legs and stomach. A human woman would never go out of the house looking like this, but my cat walked around, tail raised proudly, totally ignoring the fact that she might look, hmm, “ugly” - and I am worried about a few wrinkles and pounds too many?
We women could learn a lot from cats !!!